Thursday, February 6, 2014

Jesus Knows Me, This I Love

A few years ago I was at a conference and one of the speakers said, "Jesus knows me, this I love."  That stuck with me.
Not too long after that I was having a conversation with a friend and he said, "I think what we all want is just to be known."
Recently I read the following blog article and this longing to be known resonated again.

I have noticed that God works thematically in my life.  One day I will realize that I have heard the same general theme coming from multiple sources and it's like He is saying, "Pay attention!  I am trying to tell you something here."  So this is my current theme.  To be known.  To be in authentic community.  To know God.  And others.

One of the critical mistakes I believe we can make, is to equate our relationship with others as equal to, or indicative of, our relationship with God.  For example, if who I believe God is, is wrapped up in how I feel about my pastor, or my small group leader, I will eventually be disappointed… no matter how great my pastor or small group leader is.  Why?  Because they aren't God.  Christian community was never intended to be a substitute for a personal relationship with God.  And how does this relate to being known?  Because this morning I realized, for maybe the first time, that I am perfectly comfortable with my relationship with God.  There is no struggle for authenticity there.  He knows me.  Intimately.  And I am getting to know Him too.  Little by little He is revealing more of Himself to me.  Where fear sets in- where I struggle to be real- is with God's people.  It is within the context of community where I feel I have to have it all together (and the tension that is created there because I know that I don't).  I know God loves me unconditionally.  But will they?  I know God sees me.  But do they?  And I know that He forgives.  But will they?

And for me, that is probably why conflict and stress always have been good motivators to draw me closer to God.  Because when I am disappointed by others, I remember I have a Friend who will never disappoint me.  I never have to question His motives or worry that I am bothering Him with my petty problems.  He's never too busy.  Or too tired.  Or too stressed.

I love the community that God has placed me in.  I cannot imagine a better system of support or encouragement.  My reality is that I can be very authentic in my present context.  But I am thankful for the reminder today that no person was ever meant to take the place of my relationship with God.  And He knows me… THIS I love.

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