Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Community- Part 1

As I think about all the things I hope to write about some day, I can already tell that COMMUNITY will be a recurring theme.  One of the most amazing expressions of community happened around this time last year when God dropped an amazing opportunity in our laps.  I'll save all the details for another blog, but the short version is that our church began working with a group we now call Isaiah 58 (at the time led by a man named William)- a ministry to those who are homeless or disadvantaged.  Around the same time, several of my close friends and I read, and then shared, books such as Crazy Love (Chan), 7 (Hatmaker), and Kisses from Katie (Davis).  We were wrecked to our cores.  Our stewardship of not only our finances, but also our time and talent, came under deep and swift conviction.

Have you ever had an amazing experience - alone - and then returned to family or friends and tried to adequately put it into words, only to realize you fall way short of doing it justice?  What was precious to you now is at risk of becoming a frustration.  If only those you love could have experienced it alongside of you!

I feel so blessed that this was not the case.  Right there with me, were my friends.  God was dealing with us all.  The conviction was no less strong, but with it came a comfort.  An understanding.  We were in it together.

I saved a couple of those precious texts.  Re-reading them for the first time tonight, I am so glad that I held on to them.  How much we forget! And how quickly!

3/20/12 text from my friend Erin:
Erin:  "I don't like you very much right now.  I just ate half rotten salad for lunch b/c there are starving children who would have killed for my lunch.  Thank u William, Katie Davis, & Jen Hatmaker.  I don't like u very much right now."

Me: "Ha!  I ate the crust on my bread today (which I always tell my children to do but personally revolt against).  I have substituted some of the craziest foods for dinner b/c I refused to go to the store and buy what we actually needed.  Etc etc.  Ray came home 'mad at God' one day last week."

By the way, Ray was "mad at God" because he was in on this thing too.  And while he agreed with my new frugal approach to meal planning, he hated it.  You can mess with a lot with that boy, but leave his food alone!

3/21/12 text from my friend Meg
Meg: "I just had a moment, in front of Marshalls.  There was a lady, with a sign, u know what it said.  I walked passed 'I am on the phone God, I'll catch her on the way out.'  I go inside, hang up, feel convicted, open my wallet. 'I only have $20 God, she may spend it on drugs.'  I keep walking deeper into the store.  God replies, 'and how is that different than spending it on a dress you don't need.' (which was for Anna's shower, btw) [Anna is a sweet friend of ours from church and Meg is helping host a baby shower for her this weekend].  I turn around, cross the street, hand her the $20.  She looks down and says 'wow, this is a lot.  I can go home now.'  We talk;  I share Jesus.  I want this new normal..."

Me: "Thx.  I am crying now."

Meg : "Thank our new 'friends' William, Katie, and Jen!!!"

Me: "Erin and I decided we'll all wear our oldest dress to Anna's shower :)"

3 hours later...

Meg: "No lie, found a dress in my closet I wore to MY REHEARSAL dinner- makes it over 10 years old!!!  May be a contender for Saturday. :)"

Me: "Chances are very good.  Especially since I just gave away half of my clothes!!!"

I have a million more texts similar to these from more friends than I deserve.  Technical testimonies to the kinds of friends have.  Ones who love Jesus, and spur me on to love Him more.  Friends who have my back.  Who don't call me crazy.... or more appropriately they DO call me crazy- and tell me to go for it anyway.  Friends who I don't have to explain myself to, because they already get it.  Friends who are far from perfect, like me.  But they are letting God have His way with them.  And they let me have front row seats for the show.

This community thing is so good.  I don't ever want to forget that or take it for granted.

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