Monday, January 28, 2013


Several years ago God began to work on my heart in regards to my perception of the homeless.  Like anything that I have been convicted of, the process was slow- not because God wasn't clear, but because I am dull.  Years later, when I finally "get it" I can look back and see how long it took me to arrive.  He is patient with me!

This particular transformation began with my attitude towards panhandlers.  I couldn't ignore them but I also didn't feel comfortable giving money.  At that time McDonald's sold $1 food vouchers in denominations of $5, $10, $20.  I bought some of those and kept them in my glove box.  If I saw someone holding a sign, I could tear out a few dollars of voucher money.

McDonald's stopped carrying those so I decided if I saw someone with a sign, I would go get them food and bring it back to them.  One time I did that and the person had 3 other bags of fast food at his feet by the time I returned.  Fail.

Off and on Ray and I have been known to carry bottles of water and Gatorade in our car, along with some granola bars or something similar.  This seemed like a much better alternative than giving hot food.

Fast forward a few years.  I read the book "What Difference Do It Make?".  It's a story about an unlikely friendship that formed between a wealthy art dealer and an illiterate homeless man.  The one lesson I took away from that book centered on dignity.  While I may have been meeting a small and immediate need of food, I was doing nothing to help a fellow human being feel.... human.  My friend Marty says if you offer a homeless or disadvantaged person $5 or 5 minutes of your undivided attention, they will want your attention every time.  I know that now.  I didn't know that then.  And giving a stranger my time made me nervous.

Not long after reading that book I went to Panera for lunch.  I was alone, which is like heaven to me.  I had a book with me, and I had no intention of talking to anyone:)  Not long after I sat down, right by the window, I saw a man walk by, all of his possessions in his shopping cart.  I don't recall if he was asking anyone for anything.  I don't think he was.  

"Invite him to eat lunch with you."


"How about I just buy him food?  He looks hungry."

"Invite him to eat WITH YOU."

I like to pull the "I'm just a girl" card, but only when it's convenient.  Currently, it was convenient.

"What if something happens?  I want to obey you, but I also want to be wise.  I have a family to think about, you know?"

"It's your choice."

I went out and spoke to the man.  I introduced myself and I asked him his name.  I invited him to lunch.

Sadly, I don't remember his name.  I don't remember much of what we talked about.  What I know for sure is that experience added another link to the chain to get me where I am today, which is still far from where I hope to be- but further along than where I was.

That was probably two years ago.  I haven't thought about that day much at all since then.  Until I drove into work this morning....

On my way I drove right past an older man sitting along the side of the road.  He had a suitcase beside him.  He was not at a bus stop pick up location.  He looked rough.

"Stop and talk to him."

"The road is busy.  I can't just stop.  Plus, I'm just a girl..."  You can imagine how the next 2 minutes went as I argued with myself.  And with God.  "Aren't I doing enough?  I've changed.  I have friends who are homeless.  I ate lunch with them yesterday!  It's not that I don't care.  Surely you know that.   I'm going to be late for work.  And he did look pretty sketchy.  Where does common sense fit in here?  I am pretty sure Ray would not want me to stop."

At this point I am a mile further down the road than I was.  Now it's just downright inconvenient.

"It's your choice."

Three U-turns later I approach the man in the vehicle.  I slow and roll the window down just as he stands up and begins to walk towards me.  

"Are you ok?" I ask.

He nods.

"You're OK?  Do you need anything?"  He doesn't.

Sometimes He just wants to know we are WILLING to obey.  Then we are off the hook.  Genesis 22.

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